E-Cruise Cruise limiter
Intelligent speed assistance
E-Cruise Limiter is a selectable speed limiter which ensures that the vehicle cannot exceed the chosen maximum speed.
The function is activated by pressing the Limiter button on the E-Cruise Cruise Control Switch when the desired speed is reached and deactivated by pressing the Cancel button or by fully depressing the accelerator for a couple of seconds.
It really is that simple.
Under varying driving patterns (urban, highway, motorway, road works), maximum speed can be changed to suit current traffic conditions.
Protect your driving license, while at the same time reducing fuel consumption, emissions, engine wear and the risk of accidents when using the speed assist.
Your safety, as well as that of your passengers and other motorists, is dramatically increased, with no adverse effect on your ability to overtake or accelerate through the gears as needed.

Applications List - Click here to find your E-Cruise